Welcome to Shanti Yoga Academy. These terms & conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of our website and services.

Terms & Conditions


  • In order for us to validate your payment, applicants are requested to provide us the payment receipt for the transaction amount after you make the transfer. This is to track your payment. 
  • If you are unable to pay via bank transfer, we can email you a payment link. Get in touch with us to learn more.
  • The fee must be paid in order to reserve your spot in our yoga teacher training program or short-term retreat program. Please be aware that we reserve seats based on the order in which payments are received. The student or applicant is responsible for paying any transaction/processing costs. 

Cancellation Policy 

  • The course fee is absolutely non-refundable and non-transferable, including any initial payment. If you must cancel the course for unavoidable circumstances, you may amend or apply the booking fee to any additional courses you take with us within a year of the original booking date. If you need to postpone your course, please let us know at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the course; otherwise, you risk losing your full tuition.
  • In the event of a cancellation or no-show, there are 100% cancellation fees or no refund.
  • Any accidents occurring before the course schedule are not the responsibility of the Yoga Institute.
  • The Yoga Institute retains the right to revoke any reservation if they determine it is necessary.
  • The Yoga Institute retains the right to revoke any reservation if they determine it is necessary.
  • The Yoga Institute will provide a 100% refund to the student in the event that the course is cancelled prior to the start date.
  • Even in the event that the participant or The Yoga Institute cancels the Training, neither they nor The Yoga Institute will be held responsible for any costs the participant may have incurred, including any travel costs (such as train and aircraft tickets).
  • Payment of a charge denotes acceptance of all The Yoga Institute’s information, policies, guidelines, and terms.
  • Anytime may be used by the student to withdraw from the course. In this situation, there will be no return and no agreement for reentry.

General Health Terms & Conditions 

  • No medical advice should be substituted for or utilised in place of any health-related recommendations made by The Yoga Institute.
  • For any questions pertaining to your health, always seek the advice of a trained medical practitioner. Before starting an exercise (yoga) program or altering your nutrition, speak with your doctor.
  • It is entirely the responsibility of the students/participants to speak with a doctor before and after taking part in any of The Yoga Institute’s programs.
  • Participants are recommended to practice at their own pace while being aware of their limitations and are responsible for their own health and safety during class. Any changes to a student’s medical or physical condition that can have an impact on their participation must be reported to the teacher.

Other Guidelines

  • The organization has the authority to choose and modify the daily schedule and the menu items in accordance with the resources available and the local weather conditions.
  • Before leaving, the borrowed books must be brought back to the front desk.
  • Permission should be obtained before taking any pictures, videos, or audio of the venue, the classes, or the events. There would also be a requirement that the organization have the right to assert copyrights, publish the content online, or deny permission to publish the content for personal or professional use. If a photo is taken inside the organization, the organization must be tagged in all social media posts.
  • The company’s capacity to deliver the internet is constrained. We therefore ask all of our users to utilise it for email and contact purposes only and refrain from irrational downloading and uploading. The internet’s lines might occasionally be down for days owing to various reasons, which is extremely rare. The company is not obligated to offer unbroken internet service.
  • You are advised by the organization to exercise your own judgement before engaging in or attempting any teachings or practices offered by the organization. The company disclaims all liability for any illness, damage, accident, or other unanticipated results.
  • Students shouldn’t argue with anyone (teachers, peers, staff, or management) because yoga teaches us to remain peaceful. They ought to be able to keep their cool under any circumstance. If there is a disagreement or quarrel, severe measures will be taken, including possible expulsion from the course.

Please Note

  • If students or visitors break any rules, they will first receive a warning or request, and if they repeat the offence or take any additional action, they will be fined Rs. 1000 or charged for any damaged property.
  • The company engages in social work as well, and any social work will be funded with the money it receives from fines and penalties.
  • On one day per week, breakfast will be served as scheduled, but lunch and supper will not be served, and students are allowed to bring their own food to class.

Zero Tolerance Policies

  • Students who do abide by the following rules risk having their enrollment in the course suspended. Absent a valid excuse, excuses won’t be accepted:
  • A dress code is in place. Therefore, pupils are not allowed to wear clothing, sleeveless tops, crop tops, or backless shirts on school grounds.
  • Yoga is an art that can only be mastered by paying attention to and managing your body and mind. Alcohol consumption, eating meat, smoking, or entering the building while injecting illegal substances not only results in dismissal from class, but also legal action from the local police.
  • You must have emotional self-control if you want to be perfect at yoga. Therefore, you must exercise self-control and refrain from embracing or kissing anyone inside the building. Namaste should be greeted in a polite and formal manner, with a smile on your face.
  • During the course of the stay or other events planned by the organization, there should be no sexually explicit suggestions or innuendos.
  • It is suggested for any visitor or student who reports being the victim of an unwelcome advance or any other type of sexual harassment to contact or notify management right away so that the appropriate action can be taken right away, including legal action.

|| Sarve Jana Sujano Bhavantu, Sarve Sujana Sukhinobhavantu ||

At Shanti Yoga Academy, we believe that happiness multiplies when shared and shared knowledge makes the world go around. 

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